Minggu, 14 September 2014

bastian keluar, coboy junior ganti nama menjadi CJR

Bastian Keluar, Coboy Junior Ganti Nama Jadi CJR Bastian  Bastian menyatakan diri telah keluar dari boyband Coboy Junior di tengah konser bertajuk Coboy Junior Firewall Concert: Semua Perjalanan Hebat, Harus Diakhiri Dengan Hebat yang berlangsung di Tennis Indoor Jakarta, Minggu (23/2/2014) .

Selanjutnya, mereka mengumumkan Coboy Junior resmi bubar dan diganti namanya jadi CJR.

Setelah Bastian menyatakan diri keluar, di atas banggung hanya berisi Iqbaal, Aldy dan Kiki. Mereka membawakan lagu "Terhebat" dengan diiringan derai air mata dari masing-masing personel.

Di layar LCD hanya terpampang wajah ketiga anak yang beranjak dewasa itu. Para Comate sempat menangis namum tetap terhibur karena idola mereka tetap eksis walau tanpa diperkuat oleh Bastian

ad facebook : verta felisia
follow : @vertafelissia

biodata coboy junior

Coboy Junior adalah salah satu boy band papan atas Indonesia yang sedang naik daun pada saat ini, dan mereka telah mendapatkan berbagai pebghargaan dari berbagai acara.

Group BoyBand ini Merupakan salah satu BoyBand cilik yang bisa meraih kesuksesan di indonesia. Kini berkat usaha dan kerja kerasnya kini mereka telah mampu menyihir banyak orang.
  Group BoyBand Coboy Junior ini terdiri dari  tiga orang yang sebelumnya ada empat orang yaitu Iqbal Dhiafakhri Ramadhan (iqbal), Teuku Rizki Muhammad (kiki), Alvaro Maldini Siregar (aldi), Bastian Bintang Simbolan (bastian/"mantan personil"), Meskipun mereka semua satu group tetapi mereka mempunyai cita-cita yang berbeda-beda.

 Foto Coboy Junior

       Adapun sebutan untuk para fans Coboy Junior dinamakan Comate.
Dipandangan masyarakat kini nama Boy Band ini sudah tidak asing lagi, Dari kalangan anak-anak, remaja, bahkan sampai orang tua pun sudah pada tahu dengan group boy band yang satu ini.

Alasan Bastian Keluar Dari Coboy Junior
 "kalau menurut gosip, Bastian mau mencoba bernyanyi solo..
Tapi lain kata menyebutkan "Kenapa saya keluar dari coboy junior? "mungkin itu sudah takdir dan hendaknya tuhan" (komentar bastian)

Untuk para comate saya sudah mempersiapkan foto dan biodata coboy junior, dan jangan ngaku comate kalau belum tahu biodata coboy junior yang asli.
Berikut ini biodata para personil coboy junior yang asli dan lengkap :

  • Biodata Iqbal

Nama Lengkap : Iqbaal Dhiafakhri Ramadhan
Nama Panggilan  : Iqbal
Tempat & Tanggal Lahir  : Surabaya, 28-Desember-1999
Zodiak  : Capricorn
Agama  : Islam
Sekolah  : SDIT Al-Muhajirin
Cita-cita  : Ingin jadi Ustadz
Warna Favorit  : Ungu, Putih
Twitter  : @iqbaale
Fans Page  : Official FanPage – Iqbaal Dhiafakhri Ramadhan
Karir  : Musikal Laskar Pelangi sebagai Trapani, Film layar lebar 5 Elang sebagai Rusdi

  • Biodata Kiki

Nama Lengkap  : Teuku Rizky Muhammad
Nama Panggilan  : Kiki
Tempat & Tanggal Lahir  : 4 Januari 1998
Zodiak   : Capricorn
Agama  : Islam
Sekolah  : SMP Negeri 4 Tangerang Selatan
Cita-cita  : Ingin jadi Penyanyi
Twitter  : @TeukuRyzki
Karir  : Musikal Laskar Pelang, Film layar lebar 5 Elang sebagai Anton

  • Biodata Aldi 

Nama Lengkap  : Alvaro Maldini Siregar
Nama Panggilan  :  Aldi
Tempat & Tanggal Lahir  : 14 April 2000
Zodiak  : Aries
Agama  : Islam
Sekolah  : SD Perguruan Advent Jakarta Pusat
Cita-cita  : Ingin jadi Arsitek
Twitter   : @alvaromaldini1
Fans Page  : Offiacial FanPage of Alvaro Maldini Siregar
Karir   : Musikal Laskar Pelangi

  • Biodata Bastian (Mantan Personil)

Nama Lengkap  : Bastian Bintang Simbolon
Nama Panggilan  : Bastian/Babas
Tempat & Tanggal Lahir  : 21 September
Zodiak  : Libra
Agama  : Kristen
Sekolah  : Advent Bandung
Cita-cita  : Ingin jadi penemu robot tercanggih
Twitter   : @bastiansteel
Fans Page  : Bastian Bintang
Karir  : Idola Cilik, Musikal Laskar Pelangi, Film layar lebar 5 Elang sebagai Aldi

Lengkap sudah biodata Coboy Junior versi Jacky Chenk, hehe
lengkap bukan???
Selain Biodata Coboy Junior saya juga seudah mempersiapkan Biodata-biodata artis papan atas dari dalam negeri maupun luar negeri seperti, Biodata SNSD, Biodata Winxs dan masih banyak lagi. Ingin Tahu Biodata-biodata para artis lainnya silahkan buka terus situs ini tiap hari..
Baca Juga : Informasi Dimas Anggara & Dinda Kirana          
Daftar 10 Artis Terkaya Dan Tercantik Di Indonesia
Maaf jika ada yang salah dalam tulisan atau dalam hal apapun, Terimakasih atas pengertiannya!!!

Koleksi Foto Iqbal




terbentuknya coboy junior

COBOY JUNIOR adalah sebuah boyband yg terdiri dari KIKI @TeukuRizky, IQBAAL @iqbaale, BASTIAN @bastiansteel, ALDI @AlvaroMaldini1;
Boyband ini dibentuk oleh sutradara music video dan produser musik dari @superKofficial pada awal tahun 2011 melaui sebuah audisi dan akhirnya pada tgl 23 July 2011 mereka resmi menjadi sebuah boyband dengan mengeluarkan single 'KAMU'.
COBOY JUNIOR adalah sebuah boyband dengan konsep musik yang diambil dari keseharian mereka saat ini. Anak kecil yang memasuki dunia remaja dan mulai mengenal yang namanya naksir kepada lawan jenis, dan dibantu dengan kemajuan teknologi media sosial saat ini, mereka bernyanyi menceritakan cerita keseharian mereka.
Penggemar mereka yang disebut @comate_ pun saat ini sudah tersebar di seluruh Indonesia bahkan sampai luar negri seperti Singapore, India, Korea, Germany, Canada dan USA yang selalu mendukung melalui sosial media seperti facebook, twitter @coboyjr dan juga youtube.
Didukung rumah managemen yang dibentuk oleh Indra Bekti yang bernama @inbekplus Coboy junior semakin matang dan terus mantap menghibur @comate di mana pun.

ad facebook : verta felisia
follow : @vertafelissia

Rabu, 23 Oktober 2013

deskriptive text

1. Is my dad always set a good example?
2. How is that the nature of my father?
3. Traits like where my dad?
4. What my dad like?
5. Do you think my dad deserves to be a good parent? Why?

My father was a handsome man. he's tall. and her hair straight and black. color black eyes. weight like 79 bls

he is a very nice person. He patiently. and he likes to help people. I love my dad, because he is a good example to me. He loved his children took the streets

he is an excellent father to son and wife so dear at his mother. He always took care of his family, he likes with a clean state.
He always gave a smile. He was so emphatic. I like when my father set a good example

Senin, 14 Oktober 2013

my procedure text

How to keep your body clean

Hi, I Verta fetrisia. I was someone who always keep my body in order to stay clean, because my parents have taught me since childhood how to keep my body in order to stay clean. And now I want to give you the steps to keep our bodies to keep them clean.
   First, a bath twice a day. Because the bathroom is one of the most effective ways to keep our bodies to keep them clean.
Second, always brush your teeth before bed, because it's one of our body hygiene
and last, always look clean, neat, and courteous
I think it's just the steps to keep your body to stay clean. May be useful.

Senin, 30 September 2013

Task my shoes

Definition Of Envy And Empathy

Envy is the desire to have something that is owned by someone else .
Empathy is a complex mental process that involves
( 1 ) what is perceived by others ( affective empathy )
( 2 ) how to put yourself as another person ( cognitive empathy ) , and
( 3 ) to other people who feel ( self / other ) ( empathic accuracy ) .

 Short Story About My Shoes
At that time , in the garden there is a bad boy with a shoe that is ugly and dirty . he was very ashamed of having ugly shoes .

Ugly kid then it goes to the river and look into the water , and he hopes to have good shoes . Later , he returned to the lawn chair suddenly there was a good boy , he looks rich , tidy , and have good shoes .
And the boy was sitting in a chair , and later the child waved a rich ugly child . Son ugly thought that he manghina rich kid because he was ugly , dirty , messy , and has ugly shoes .

Ugly kid went straight to the tree and sat there . Ugly kid then talk to her shoes . " Why is this happening to me , It's really not fair " .

Ugly kid then closed her eyes and said " I want to be like him " and then everything changed instantly . " I Want to be Him and He is mine " . ugly boy was very happy , and it's also rich kid happy hopping .

Then there was a woman who came to the poor children and bringing the wheelchair and took the child to sit ugly wheelchairs. Ugly child and ask questions of his own " what's wrong with my legs ? "

Ugly kid then sitting in a wheelchair and taken home by women , while the rich kids have fun with ugly shoes . and the end of his life turned upside down
This story is a message

    You can not really have everything in life . Some people may seem to have the MOST but not all .
    Be thankful for all the things you have. Do not compare your life to others . You do not know the story behind them and what they experienced .
    Sometimes, we tend to think that other people are better than us , do not realize how much we are truly blessed compared to them .
    Love yourself . Make the most of it .

    Choose The Proverb And Idiomatic

    Do not judge a book by its cover .

    Short story " Do not judge a book by its cover "
    For those who have thought of something more extensive review is still too shallow to be able to simplify the thought that when I saw it, because they have been socialized to think like that , then they have seen the face of poisoning the minds eye , once is bad . an extraordinary thing if someone who is not judge it from one side , but from any perspective , so that everything can be about good and evil . Does God have all the properties of everything good , especially the best of men are still there who say evil , and vice versa freebooters though , the worst of human kindness still exist as saying . We realize what we do in every step of life is always seen from the outside sesauatu not learn to read what is in it , not as taught in the scriptures " Read ! " Means to know about something that has a good thing but it's definitely something to the idea - damned idea that such people die without accounting for what has been popularized in the real ugliness there . Positive thinking is the first step to understand something that works well and is also able to control everything .
